In search of knowledge but distracted by beauty
Walking into library with the intention of finding a book about specific topic could turn up to be a great disappointment since there is no way you know which one you’re looking for specifically being there so many branches to a topic. As I walked through the aisle of Art and Design I would get constantly distracted by so many titles that in many ways, related to mine. Usually you start looking for books in a specific area, in my case, that aisle, then you narrow down your search to the ones that include the word or words of your topic. Starting with a broad idea of what you want tends to make your search difficult since you get easily distracted by other topics that might call your attention.

The topic of my choice this time was design, but more specifically, fashion design and color. The books I chose have in common their covers given the fact that they all have vibrant color cover designs. Since I was aiming for a connection between fashion design and color all the books I picked relate in that way. Even though I chose books about graphic design (I told you, I get distracted) they tend to cover a variety of topics such as color and this way they work in conjunction. I believe books tend to call the attention being very spontaneous, or quite the opposite, being mysterious and secretive. As I began to collect books I realised other factors I was unconsciously taking into account such as size and thickness of the book.
Bibliography of books picked:
1. Wong, Wucius. Fundamentos Del Diseño. Barcelona: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1995. Print.
2. Ruiz de la Prada, Agatha. Color, Dibuixos i Vestits. Barcelona: Fundació "la Caixa", 2007. Print.
3. Flugel, John C. Moda Entre Lineas: Psicología del Vestido.
4. Caivano, José Luis, Rodgrigo Hugo Amuschástegui, and Mabel Amanda López. Color: Arte, Diseño, Tecnología Y Enseñanza. Buenos Aires: Grupo Argentino Del Color, 2004.
5. Strunk, William, and E. B. White. Elements of Style. Fourth ed. Essex: Pearson Education Limited, 2014. Print.
6. Ambrose - Harris, Bases del Diseño (Colección), Parramón 2008.
7. Kandisnsky, W., Punto y línea sobre el plano. Contribución al análisis de los elementos pictóricos, Barral, 1971.
8. Moles, A., Teoría de los objetos, Gustavo Gili, 1975.
9. Gwilt, Alison. Moda Sostenible. Barcelona: Editorial Gustavo Gili, n.d. Print.
10. DeJean, Joan. La Esencia Del Estilo: Historia de la Invención de la Moda y el Lujo Contemporáneo. N.p.:Nerea, n.d. Print.
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